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Special Invitation to Directors, Administrators and Other Interested Persons
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
Category: Events

Brown Bag LunchSpecial Invitation to Directors, Administrators and Other Interested Persons

Thursday September 23, 2021
Tuesday October 19, 2021
Thursday November 18, 2021

IDA is launching our next set of lunchtime brown bag discussions. Join your Early Intervention Leadership Colleagues from noon to one for virtual conversations and information-sharing regarding administrative and operational challenges facing EI programs.
Discussions may include -

  • Continuing COVID-19 impacts: Have you returned to in-person services? Will you require staff to be vaccinated? Will you require client caregivers to be vaccinated before receiving in-person services? How will you continue to utilize virtual services as part of your ongoing program services?
  • Fiscal and Budget questions: How does the 21/22 State budget and DDS trailer bill language impact EI? What are the issues with the 2019 rate study and why are these flaws significant to EI rate reform? How can you support ongoing advocacy efforts to improve needed supports and rate increases for EI services?
  • Personnel Issues: Are you struggling with recruiting Early Intervention Specialists? Do you have successful recruitment strategies to share? Has AB5 (CA independent contractor law) affected your ability to find/use field staff? What kinds of creative compensation strategies are you using?

Bring your lunch, your questions and your wisdom and join the conversation!
Brown Bag Discussions (BBDs) are -

  • FREE to IDA members – you must register in advance.
  • Nonmember Agencies can join with 30% discount on an Agency Membership (a $175 value!)
  • Nonmembers sign up for all 3 discussions and we will give you an individual membership for free (a $65 value). This is a perfect time to join our organization!
  • Nonmembers register for each discussion at $25 each.

You will receive the ZOOM link in your Confirmation Email!

3 Events Special for Non Members INCLUDES IDA Membership
Special Agency Membership - includes 3 discussions ($175 value)
IDA Member Register Now
Nonmember Register for any/all Sept, Oct, Nov discussions