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Impact of Poverty on Brain Development and the Effectiveness of Telehealth on Low Income Populations
Saturday, August 28, 2021, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM PST
Category: Events

Impact of Poverty on Brain Development and the Effectiveness of Telehealth on Low Income Populations

Kid in MaskSaturday, August 28, 2021 | 8:30am-10:00am PDT | Virtual Event
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Research indicates that low socio-economic status has been linked to structural changes in the brain with poorer neurocognitive functions across numerous domains including language, self-regulation, memory, and social and emotional processing. Learn about the effects of poverty on the developing brain, and what factors mediate the relationship between poverty, brain structures and lack of economic development. The pandemic has placed new stressors and barriers on families living in poverty and their ability to access early intervention programs.

The use of tele-health in early intervention is an emerging response to the "stay at home" directive from the government. We will explore evidence-based practices that increase access to technology and support family centered tele-health intervention. Take away strategies that can be used in early intervention to support the development of children living in poverty, as well as strategies that can be used when providing early intervention using tele-health.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the impact of multigenerational poverty and chronic stress on children's brain development and memory creation.
  • Identify safety factors that foster the development of resilience and brain growth in infants and toddlers.
  • Identify some of the common barriers for successful tele-therapy.
  • Discuss best practice techniques for tele-therapy and the evidence gathered during the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Lauren RichardsLauren Richards, OTR/L, SWC, CLC
Lauren Richards is a pediatric occupational therapist and certified lactation counselor. She received her MScOT from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. For the previous 5 years, Lauren has been working as an occupational therapist with Amigo Baby Inc. in Ventura County, California. She is currently serving as the Occupational Therapy Department Head and Occupational Therapy Student Fieldwork Coordinator with Amigo Baby Inc.

She is passionate about helping infants and toddlers with developmental delays, as well as their families, to build the skills and capacity needed to meet their goals. She has developed a special interest in supporting families and their children with their feeding goals.  | Read more of Lauren's bio

Pablo VelezPablo A. Velez, MBA
Pablo Velez brings over 25 years of medical and special needs experience to infants and children with developmental delays. He was appointed in 2019 as a member of the DDS-Developmental Services Task Force to provide guidance on best practice to DDS. He has been appointed since October 2018 to the State Interagency Coordinating Council on Early Intervention that provides advice and assistance to DDS (Department of Developmental Services in California) as a community representative.

Since 2004, Mr. Velez has been president of Amigo Baby, Inc, an infant stimulation program developed with a multidisciplinary, culturally sensitive, and affect-based emphasis for children less than three years of age who have developmental delays. Mr. Velez Early Intervention program has provided higher levels of success compared to the national standards measured at 5 years of age. | Read more of Pablo's bio

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