Thursday, June 03, 2021 10:19 AM

Updates CA Budget Decisions Today!

CA Budget: The proposed budget is being voted on today in the Assembly and Senate Budget Committees ~ more information. There will not be a Conference Committee to work out any differences. All comments after these hearings need to be directed to the Governor.

There are many good things in the proposed budget. For Early Start:

  • Approves the Governor’s May Revision proposal to eliminate the suspension of the Provider Supplemental Rate Increase and lift the implementation of the Uniform Holiday Schedule resulting in a cost of $173.7 million General Fund in 2022-23 and $309.6 million ongoing General Fund.
  • Approves funding to, starting in 2021-22, incrementally implement the 2019 Rate Study models for each service code for which a rate increase is still outstanding to meet the requirements of the study and provide a 2.5 percent increase for those rate codes that would not receive it under this phased-in implementation. Funding to support this effort is included at $217 million General Fund in 2021-22, $494 million General Fund in 2022- 23, and $847 million General Fund in 2023-24 and on-going. Additional language is in the trailer bill.
  • Approves $3 million General Fund in 2021-22 and on-going to support codification of critical directives for Regional Centers that were borne out of the COVID-19 pandemic and that are being elevated as access-enabling services that support best practice and equity toward better outcomes for persons served and their families. These include regional center approvals of health and safety waivers, remote services and virtual meetings, and remote Early Start services at the request of the family.
  • Approves the Governor’s May Revision proposal for $2.2 million General Fund in 2021- 22 to create a differential for bilingual service provider staff. Beginning in 2023-24, ongoing costs increase to $6.5 million General Fund.
  • Approves the Governor’s May Revision proposal for $23.8 million ongoing General Fund to provide children aging out of Early Start provisional Lanterman service eligibility up to age five.
  • Approves funding of $61.8 million General Fund in 2021-22 and on-going to enhance service coordinator ratios at the 21 Regional Centers. This includes placeholder trailer bill language to effectuate these changes.

Special Education: Provides ongoing special education funding to increase the statewide base rate for the special education formula and fund special education services for children ages 3-5 years old. In addition, one-time funds of over $1 billion are provided to invest in increased support for special education learning loss and increasing support for inclusive practices. * Lanterman Coalition

June 2 Wed. (after closing of floor) Assembly Budget Agenda
Listen and Comment 877-692-8957
Access Code: 2426237
Assembly Budget Committee
State Capitol, Room 6026
Sacramento, CA 95814
Capitol Office Phone: (916) 319-2099
COMMITTEE EMAIL: [email protected]

June 2 Wed. (after floor adjournment) Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee
Listen/watch -
Comment Number: 877- 226-8152
Access Code: 8182817
Contact:State Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee
State Capitol, Room 5019
Sacramento, CA 95814
Committee Office Phone: (916) 651-4103
Committee Office Fax: (916) 668-7004
Committee Email: [email protected]
Committee Webpage:

DDS Extension of Directives as of June 1
Extension of Early Start Services

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