Monday, July 20, 2020 06:55 PM

IDA Re-entry Provider Survey, Tele-Intervention, DDS Directives

Posted 7.20.20

In response to discussions regarding re-establishing "Re-entry" plans by the Department of Developmental Services, IDA set out a Provider survey in June. One of IDA's roles is to give a voice for Infant Program providers. The attached results are from 317 programs - click here for results. Thank you to all who participated in sharing your viewpoints. The results of this survey can be used to continue discussions about the importance of having a transition plan with financial supports.

To assist the field in learning more about Tele-Intervention, IDA hosted several recent events to share information related to this service methodology (More Information).


  • Latest Directives from Department of Developmental Disabilities include (More Information)
  • July 17th - Providing and Claiming for Nonresidential Services during the State of Emergency - Announces extension of retention payments to 8/31/2020; outlines an Alternative Service Delivery Framework; Technical Assistance and Training supports for Providers and Regional Centers in meeting consumers' needs and Future Steps.
Have you completed your Census Form yet?

Thanks for Speaking Up!

Fran Chasen and Annie Cox
IDA Policy Liaisons